Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Recipe of the Week: Peanut Butter Banana Pancakes!

This is a combo Recipe. I can't take credit for the Peanut Butter Pancakes or the idea to use Banana's in the way I did either. I know. I'm a cheater, but by golly, I know how to combine two amazing foods, to make an extra tasty one! Let me just tell you. These were FREAKING gooood! 

The Peanut Butter Pancake recipe, all props go to Sunny Anderson from Food Network. I found the recipe a few years ago, before she made a video for it. They are the fluffiest, best tasting pancakes ever! Here is the video in case you want to watch it too! Peanut Butter Pancake Video 

The idea to place sliced bananas and brown sugar on them before giving them their first flip came from the amaaaaazing Bobo's Cafe here in Tucson. They make the, Best. Breakfasts. Ever!

So tallah! The combination of these two things make these pancakes heavenly. Add a glass of cold milk and it's even better!

Here is the recipe!
Makes about 8 small pancakes, 4-6 medium

½ cup melted peanut butter
 1 cup flour
4tbs sugar
1/2tsp salt
1 tbs Baking powder
1 egg
1 cup milk + more if you need it for the right consistency
2tbs canola/vegetable oil
 Cooked on Topping:
2-3 bananas
2-4 tbs brown sugar

You first melt the peanut butter. In the video, Sunny used the double boiler route. I usually use the glass bowl in microwave for 30 seconds route. Both methods work. You then want to whisk the warm peanut butter, egg, milk, and 2tbs of oil. Once the wet ingredients are mixed together, slowly combine with the dry ingredients. Living in the desert, I have found I generally have to add more liquid. So, if you're an Arizonan, you might want to automatically start with 1 1/4 cup of milk. You want it to be thin enough to pour out of a ladle and spread slightly, but thick enough that it will hold it's shape well in the pan. Thick like... a milkshake that has half melted and you stir the melting part with the solid ice cream left in the cup to "thicken" it up *grin*. FYI: You'll get a fluffier pancake if you don't over mix. It's okay to see a few small clumps.

Once you have the batter ready, get the pan heated up. Cast iron works the best, but a griddle pan, or saute pan will work too. Medium high heat. While the pan is heating up, you can slice your bananas and get them ready to go. Once heated, get a little butter and grease the pan. Then ladle/spoon your first pancake in.

Once the batter is in the pan, place sliced banana and sprinkle 1-2 tsp of brown sugar on each pancake (on the wet batter) The batter will not likely "bubble" like you are used to seeing with other pancakes because of the heaviness of the peanut butter, so check it often for done-ness and nice browning.

Once the first side is done, using a metal or thin plastic spatula, flip your pancake. Let the bananas and the brown sugar caramelize! My pancakes took about 1-1 1/2minutes per side.

Then you are ready to take out of the pan and plate up the goodness! I served them with a side of sausage and a glass of cold milk. Mmmmmm!

Also, from the recipe a few years ago, Sunny said you can make the batter the night before, which I have. I just thinned it out with milk in the morning. They were just as tasty too!

I hope you guys try these! They are my favorite!

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