Friday, September 13, 2013

Wheat Berry and Barley Raspberry Lime Salad

This side salad was pretty darn tasty and super easy! It fed A LOT of people! 8 "fill ya up" servings easily. 

1/2 cup Barley
1 cup Wheat Berries
2 tbs Raspberry Jam
2 tbs Olive Oil
2 tbs soy sauce
1 medium Carrot, shredded (I used a fine grater, but get it to the size you like)

Sunflower Market
1tbs fresh Lime Juice

Farmers' Market
1 medium Cucumber, seeded and diced
1/2 Zucchini, shredded (I used a fine grater, but get it to the size you like)
1 small Bell Pepper, diced

Cook the wheat berries and barley by putting them in a pot with 4 cups of water and 1 tbs of soy sauce. Boil on high for 20-25 minutes or until the berry is plump, a little chewy, with no crunch whatsoever left. Drain and set aside to cool (or run it under cold water to cool it if you've prepped the veggies already and want to put them directly together)

Prep and cut the veggies while the grains are cooking. Put the raspberry jam, lime juice, olive oil, and the other tbs of soy sauce in a lidded container then shake the container until the sauce is well combined. Once grains are cooked and cooled, combine everything and you're done. 

The sour-sweet was really good with the savory-sweet butternut squash and caramelized onion soup. I utilized this filling for inspiration, but truthfully, the soup only had 3-4 ingredients- water, beef broth(this is optional, but adds a deeper flavor), a large butternut squash, and a medium onion caramelized. I threw the squash and liquid in a pressure cooker on high and let it steam for 15minutes, then added caramelized onion and pureed it all with my immersion/stick blender. Salt and pepper to taste and that's it.
I dare say that the dinner party went well that I made this for, I fed 5 missionaries from my church + my mom and myself. Perk of dinner, I got to teach one of the missionaries what a wheat berry was and a Sister commented on how she usually doesn't like vegetable soup, but she loved this one and actually wanted the recipe. Lol. Success.

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